flying tigers terjemahan Cina
- the tigers: 老虎乐队
- beijing tigers: 北京猛虎队
- detroit tigers: 底特律老虎
- hanshin tigers: 阪神虎
- railroad tigers: 铁道飞虎
- wests tigers: 西部老虎
- flying dutchman: 飞翔的荷兰人
- flying get: [飛飞]翔入手
- flying witch: [飛飞]翔的魔女
- the cranes are flying: 雁南飞
- bentley flying spur (2005): 宾利欧陆[飛飞]驰
- comrade kim goes flying: 金同志飞起来
- distinguished flying cross: 飞行优异十字勋章
- flying colors (film): 垫底辣妹
- flying fish cove: 飞鱼湾